Lavker Tech have technically expert assistants to provide all kinds of web solutions as per client's suggestions and requirements. Web development service contains creating database, manage and stores visitors information. We create dynamic web application that involves contact page, enquiry form, sign in, sing up, user profile and clients business information and activities.
Lavker Tech develop, designing & redesigning website as per client's business to attract visitors and customers, Hired assistant move on project as per client's suggestions and instructions. A full dynamic website with all facilities of your visitors to sign in & sign up and handle their profile in simple clicks. Creating business dashboard to manage your business activities and clients information in easy steps.
Responsive web design to fit on desktop, tab, smart phone and mobile as per user device. Follow all guidelines and standards of w3 (www) organization.
Use simple layout, template to present your business impressively to your clients and customers which involves header, sidebar, footer etc. Attractive web pages with proper fonts, title, headings, colors and images. Web assistant experts work on html, css and script to design your web application. Also assist in creating and managing quality images.
Web designing also take care of loading time of website on internet and search engines (google, yahoo) guidelines. web assistant have experienced in wordress, weebly, magento, joomla, drupal etc.